Beth Carter: Shadow Stories
Exhibition runs: 18 April – 15 June 2018
Drinks Reception: 18 April.
“Beth Carter’s exhibition titled Shadow Stories makes us wander through one of her preferred themes: The Night. A world of shadows in which wander bizarre and hybrid creatures. It powerfully evokes the products of our subconscious, born in this small corner of our minds where dreams and nightmares come to life. Beth Carter roots her inspiration in the enchanted and sometimes disrespectful world of childhood. Another powerful source would be classic mythology, rewritten to invent new hybrid and anthropomorphic creatures. She also tackles gender theories, Darwin evolution and multiplies representations of death reaping sleeping bodies, illustrating how precarious our lives can be. To bring back sense, we reach far within our own history, our personal references, fears or desires. Our feelings shift from attraction to repulsion, mixed to this awkward desire to always see more, like a frightened child hiding his face behind his hands, yet incapable of resisting the urge of spreading his fingers to watch a dreaded scene.”
LKFF Art and Sculpture Projects
Rue Blanche, nr 15 – 1050 Brussels
+32 2 345 92 26